About us

About the Department of Department of Intelligent Robotics

The Department of Department of Intelligent Robotics was established in 2006 and has since been running as a pioneering department to promote international-level cutting-edge research. Department of Intelligent Robotics is the interdisciplinary field of scientific and technological research combining advanced electronics and mechanics for the new era. Our department focuses on intelligent robotics, human interface, micro/nano-technology and biomedical engineering. We aim to foster people rich in creativity with specialized knowledge of this field.

For graduate education, our department runs doctoral and master’s programs in the following areas;

  1. Functional Robotics
  2. Intelligent Interface Engineering
  3. Intelligent Sensing Engineering
  4. Functional Devices Engineering

Human development through education in those graduate courses produces highly specialized researchers and engineers who will have in-depth knowledge of the Department of Intelligent Robotics field.

Functional Robotics Division

 Robotics rapidly progressed based on mechatronics that is born by the integration of mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. Robots will get into human life in the near future. In the Functional Robotics division, next generation robotics which will create human-friendly robots are studied.

Key Words
Robotics, Mechatronics, Virtual reality, Medical and welfare engineering, Production systems engineering



Intelligent Interface Engineering Division

  Our division is involved in a variety of projects to education and research in engineering based on the following research topics: Human information processing, Bioelectronics, Brain science, Human interface, Hearing Science, Speech Science, Speech Engineering, Acoustics, Fuzzy set theory, Soft computing, Pattern recognition, Human computer interaction, Handwriting interface, Blind-handwriting interface for wearable/mobile computing, Biological information engineering, Computational neuroscience.

Key Words
Pattern recognition, Human interface, Biological information engineering, Bioelectronics, Brain-machine interface



Intelligent Sensing Engineering Division

 Recent science and engineering have focused on physical and biological phenomena in micro-/nano-size because the nano-scale phenomena induce unexpected functions such as fabricating high quality-measurement systems and mimicking intelligent systems of human body. Our division has focused on fabricating micro-/nano-scale materials and nondestructive measurements toward industrial applications. Our goal is to establish the research field of micro-/nano-systems through the studies of micro-/nano-processing (e.g. micromachines), micro-/nano-measurements (e.g. laser technology) and nano-bioengineering (e.g. nano-medicine).

Key Words
Laser measurements, Micro-/nano-machining, Instrumentation Engineering, Biomaterials, Biomeasurements



Functional Devices Engineering Division

 We are performing research and education in following advanced subjects covering both fundamental and applied studies:

  • Preparation and application of ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials
  • Large volume phase-controlled plasma generation and its applications
  • Synthesis of carbon based new materials, magnetic properties and transport phenomena
Key Words
Functional nano materials, Plasma generation, Carbon-based nano materials


  • Intelligent Systems Engineering
  • Intelligent Interface Engineering
  • Micro-/Nano-systems Engineering
  • Intelligent Information Systems Engineering

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